Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychotherapy Masterclass
Ericksonian hypnosis is a powerful transformational tool for any clinician desiring to make a profound difference in the lives of clients and your own as well. This course is designed for both the beginner and more advanced clinician using hypnosis, delivers dynamic content and the most advanced and in-depth tools and strategies for clinicians who want to become proficient in using hypnosis in psychotherapy.
12 CEs
Milton Erickson was a master therapist and promoted the philosophy, “Whatever you can imagine, you can accomplish.” He personally knew that to be true when he overcame polio twice in his life and discovered the amazing abilities all people have to recover from pain, illness, trauma, and create the life they want.
More recent advancements in the research on hypnosis and the brain reveals a deeper understanding of the remarkable ability of the mind and body to heal and move into states of thriving for longer periods of time. By accessing and building the needed resources to overcome overwhelming events, past difficulties, and old programming, clinicians can help their clients recover themselves, create their best possible future, and assist in emotional charge disappearing.
Implement the Power to Reprogram the Mind, Release the Past, and Create a New Destiny with Hypnosis
Understand How Life Patterns Connect to Habitual States of Trance
Expand the Results of Therapy by a New Understanding of the Conscious and Unconscious Minds
Recruit More Positive Emotion Before Interventions to Condition Them for Client Healing
Employ Novelty and Curiosity to Motivate Client Change
Recognize Tipping Points in Client Growth: When the Desire for Change is Greater than the Distress
Identify Signs of Trance Trauma and the Effect on the Brain for Better Interventions
Understand How Trauma Results in Epigenetic Effects
Links Between Stress, Illness, Mood, and Thought
Demonstrate Milton Erickson’s Powerful Approach to Healing
Explore Simple Inductions Using the Language of the Unconscious Mind
Identify Advanced Inductions Using the Power of the Designed Story
Add additional power to your current clinical approach and make treatment more effective in a shorter period of time when you incorporate clinical hypnosis in your practice.
In order to use hypnosis in psychotherapy a therapist needs to understand certain information. This includes a good working definition of what hypnosis is and is not, an overview of the history of hypnosis, and an understanding of the basic methods of hypnosis such as direct, indirect, and Ericksonian styles. Knowing how hypnosis is used clinically is important.
Psychotherapy is a conversation that develops a connection, and creates a safe space for exploring difficulties. The therapist’s job is to provide support and intervene in how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.
Hypnosis is gentle, collaborative, and powerful in eliciting lasting change in clients. Join long-time Ericksonian-based practitioners, Drs. Carol Kershaw and Bill Wade, in this comprehensive certification experience, where they draw on the resource-based approach of Ericksonian Tradition as well as modern brain science, neurology, and research in consciousness to provide you a step-by-step guide for applying hypnosis to your clinical practice.
To take the training, the prerequisite is a clinician needs to be licensed in a mental health field in his or her state and will only use hypnosis with those clients the therapist feels comfortable using psychotherapy. Basic ethical standards are expected in all cases.
The certification is evidence that the therapist has taken our training. It does not guarantee advanced competency. The Milton Erickson Institute of Houston nor Carol Kershaw, Ed.D. or Bill Wade, Ph.D., assume no legal responsibility for therapeutic outcome.
18 Hours Course Instruction Online or In Person
(Can include Hypnosis for Trauma and PTSD offered by Pesi.com)
Plus 10 Hours of Consultation Over Zoom
Fee for Consultation Experience=$995
History of Hypnosis
· Egyptian Influences
· Mesmer
· Nancy School of Hypnosis
· Freud
· Erickson
Traditional Hypnosis vs. Ericksonian Hypnosis
How to Understand how people pay attention
Understanding the process of influence
Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis
Definition of hypnosis as resource activator
Focused attention and suggestion
Hypnotic language
Direct and Indirect Hypnosis
Conversational hypnosis
Psychotherapy as hypnosis
EEG hypnosis
Putting Clinical Hypnosis to Practice
Simple inductions
Changing mental states
Strategies to interrupt rumination
Strategies for anxiety, depression, and calming the nervous system
Experiential exercises to practice the skills learned
Deep State Hypnosis for Healing, Integration, and Opening to new possibilities
Latest Neuroscience Research on Body/Mind Healing
Body/mind as frequency, light and innate healing abilities
Discovery of filament structures in the body carrying information
Cellular biophoton release
Trance phenomena in therapy
6 master techniques of hypnosis
Use a story in trance
Protocol for confidence building
Protocol for trauma resolution
Specific Clinical Issues
Anxiety and Depression
Trauma and PTSD Resolution
Strategies for Developing Traumatic Memory Reconsolidation
Retrieval and disruption
How to move a memory from short-term to long-term
State-dependent memory and learning
Focused Attention as a State of Negative or Positive Hypnotic Trance
How the optical system plays role in symptom formation and removal
Focus on “nothing” helps eliminates negative thought
Advanced Hypnosis for Trauma
Small group practice with consultation
Work with therapist’s client issues
Simple biofeedback tools paired with hypnosis
Reprocessing traumatic memories
If you are new to hypnosis, you will gain the skills you need to start using hypnosis in your practice.
If you are experienced in hypnosis, you will learn leading-edge information and tools, when and how to use them, that will set you above many other clinicians.
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